Synopsis: Ron Pearlman is pretty spry for being in his 50's, he and Selma Blair have a spat, eat your heart out Peter Jackson.
There’s a reason Guillermo del Toro is directing The Hobbit and that reason is rampantly apparent in Hellboy II: his mind is inundated by fantasy. He swims in the lore of Scottish trolls, floats with Tolkien’s elves, and even splashes a bit in the pond of Grimm. Hellboy II revels in this high fantasy feel, and unblinkingly thrusts it into modern cityscapes. Bag ladies that eat cats (they’re really trolls) and steampunk devices that let you see things “as they really are” exist side by side with wet asphalt and street lamps. He also has this thing for eyeballs. You’ll understand when you see it.
At first Hellboy feels a bit like Men in Black, complete with a tour of paranormal HQ and what looks like some tentacled thing either giving birth or going through the telophase of mitosis. Soon, however, we take a turn and are introduced to the elves, yes elves, who feel more elven on their worst day than Orlando Bloom ever did in his little yellow wig. All of del Toro’s creature are unique and distinct but they also “feel right.” It is like hearing Beethoven in an opera house as opposed to on the radio or being given a truffle after only eating Hershey’s. Further chocolaty layers are drizzled as the movie continues, with adventures into secret troll markets, some darn impressive and acrobatic fight scenes, and a couple good laughs.
There are unfortunately some moments of movie cliché. These mostly happen during throw away jokes and generally involve some kind of slapstick. The movie is at times genuinely and creatively funny, but there are some Jar Jar Binks moments that make you feel like the film just ran over a possum. It’s brief and crunches, but is smooth driving shortly thereafter.
Seeming to hit his stride with Pan’s Labyrinth, be expecting to see a lot more movies with eyeballs in weird places. I’m putting a must see on this. It is great in the theater and is certainly worth it for his visual effects. However, the story is so well done you could watch it on your cellphone screen and still thoroughly enjoy it. But don’t. You’d miss a lot.
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Thanks a lot Toby, I would've gone and seen this with this review earlier, but now I can't because it's out of theaters... Learn to post sooner. :P
Still showing in Lewiston :D
Thing for eyeballs?? I don't know, the reviews I read about Hellboy 1 and 2 didn't convince me but I might wait to rent it...I'm not good with eyeballs on the big screen.
I loved *looking* at Pan's Labyrinth, but I was disapointed with the movie's over all plot. So yes, I am quite excited about The Hobbit =)
You weren't impressed with the plot of Pan's Labyrinth? Why not? That's like saying, I wasn't impressed with the plot of Sleeping Beauty, or Snow White, or Emperor's New Groove. It's a fairy tale and it was a superb one at that. Nothing necessitates explaining in fairy tales. That's why they are fairy tales.
Not to rant, but I thoroughly enjoyed Pan's Labyrinth and I think the biggest reason was his ability to make a dark fairy tale that wasn't depressing.
Literature fight!
You would like Hellboy II (1 was before he really hit his groove) if you like a more modern movie plot. It is a superhero flick after all and the world needs saving. Think Men in Black.
And while I do agree with you, Jordan, I don't think you can just say "fairy tale" as a trump card for plot. M. Night Shyamalan did that with Lady in the Water but it was more of an excuse for not having any sort of cohesive story.
I haven't seen Lady in the Water, fortunately I would have to say for myself. And yes, I will have to put a parameter, there are good fairy tales, and bad ones, but getting on Pan's case because of plot is like getting on Snow White's case because of plot.
Beauty and the Beast is one of the few with a plot that would stand toe to toe with a lot of modern day movies and it's head and shoulders above the other animated features of its day.
Essentially I'm saying that Lady in the Water was a bad movie because it was made poorly and didn't do a very good job telling the story. The plot in that movie wasn't the deciding factor on why it was horrible. If you want plot, go watch There Will Be Blood but a fairy tale is supposed to have a fairy tale plot.
Is it sad when it's a "fight" between you and me, Toby? I mean I don't see the person who started this showing up and joining in on the fun.
Women. . .
Actually I think she's in class right now.
I mean, we could be having this fight over gtalk instead. :P
And class is no excuse...
Your profile picture has no excuse. . .
Now it does... TubCat is going to rule the WORLD!!!!!
It's Bast! The Egyptian cat goddess. I thought she was supposed to be attractive though. . .
Camera adds 2000 pounds...
Aladdin rocks the socks off Beauty and the Beast any day of the week.
Only cause you think Jasmine and her tiger, Raja, are hotter than Belle. I would agree that Aladdin was much more fun than Beauty and the Beast, but you can't argue with the critics, as Beauty and the Beast was the only animated feature nominated for Best Picture.
Also, Emperor's New Groove was more fun than Aladdin, does that mean it's better. I thought we were talking about plot here.
Jordan's about to break out into song. . .
Aladdin has a better plot. He falls in love and does everything he can to win the girl. He finds a genie, a magic carpet, what's not to like. He's the young underdog guy who pulls off marrying the girl of his dreams. Not to mention the songs are way, way better.
"As of 2008, it is the third highest grossing traditionally animated feature worldwide, behind The Lion King and The Simpsons Movie."
The Beast just gets the girl despite all his initial actions and cruelty. I guess he "redeems" himself, but why would you root for the rich, cruel guy over the poor, nice guy?
Yay Saparks....
That's embarrassing...
I think "Saparks" is responsible for the 20+ posts suddenly appearing on my movie blog. . .
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